Friday, March 26, 2010

Mom's coming home!

My Mom is coming home from her winter home in Arizona. She's like my favorite person in the world. I've missed her, even though we chatted almost every day. Mom is the best, she unconditionally loves and she always forgives. Her faith is strong and she is always kind to everyone. I strive to be half the person she is. She is truly wonderful, but one of the coolest things about my Mom... she is a Trinket Giver. "What is that?" you say, Let me try to explain. A Trinket Giver is a person who always sends a little something something home with someone to brighten up their very dull existence. A tiny refrigerator magnet with a deep inspirational message, or maybe just a laughing bunny figurine. Three kitchen towels because she bought a set of six, and only needed three. A pair of size 11 flip flops that just don't fit her right, maybe because she wears a size 9.(she's so cute!) When ever you leave Mom you leave with a tiny Trinket of her love. The best Trinket ever was last year, after having a wonderful "Mom Meal" and some awesome "Hanging with Mom Time" we headed home. We realized we hadn't left with a Trinket.(What?!!!) Was this the end of an era? A ripple in the time and space continuum? As we tried to find normalcy in our empty Trinket less lives, I reached into my purse to grab my checkbook and "TA DA!" The Trinket! There it was, a can of green beans! Mom had slipped the can into my purse as we were leaving. All was right with the world again. My wish today is "Trinkets For Everyone!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Yeah mom is coming back! She is such a kick, can't wait to see her again!
