Inspired Prosperity(Success)... I watched the Masters Golf Tournament today. I was enchanted by Phil Mikelsons will to win. I have been a closet golf groupie for years. I've never played the game myself, and usually we work the weekends doing Arts and Craft Shows. (I remember when I was young I thought, "I'm never going to work weekends!"HA!) When we have an occasional Sunday off, you can usually find me making jewelry and watching a tourney. Back to Phil, he's had a rough year, not only is his wife battling Cancer, but his mother is also battling that same horrible disease. He has three small kids to worry about and I'm sure just regular day to day life worries like the rest of us. While the world watched and worried how "Tiger" would hold up, quietly in the background of the hoopla, Phil shot a good game. The 2nd day people noticed he was shooting a great game. Today, the 3rd day of the tournament, he was 'Loud and Proud'. In control and right on line, He won and accepted his trophy Green Jacket with the grace of a humble champion. He said he was inspired to succeed by those around him battling their foes. I myself am inspired to succeed by those around me... My Parents were my greatest inspiration. They taught me to be responsible and honest, but then they listened and trusted . My brother is my greatest Champion, he is strong, helpful and he inspires me to keep reaching for the stars. My friends inspire me to live, laugh and create, but also relax and be myself. My husband inspires life partnership as well as security and love. I am blessed with the Inspiration to Succeed and Prosper from those around me. My Mom has battled breast cancer and won, but it shook me to the core of my being. We lost my husbands Mom to lung cancer, that kicked the wind right out of us. I can't imagine how Phil concentrated on hitting a tiny ball into a tiny hole...But then again, I can hand knot a special order strand of pearls, be polite, calm, and chat with potential customers, in the middle of a thunder storm while the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, in a 'tent' in the middle of main street Any Town, USA. We just find the Strength to Succeed. May you be blessed with INSPIRED PROSPERITY.
Hills and valleys on our way toward the summit. It always amazes me how strong we can be when we have to, no matter what is going on around us. And how we learn to appreciate even more the people in our lives that hold us up and push us on.