OK now, the month of August must have been very busy in our family through the years...Because we've had a bunch of births in the month of April, starting off with the eve of April fools Day, Happy B-day to you Auntie Pat. (If I had been there, we would've shopped or had tea together, something very 'girlie' and fun.) The 14th is my best buddy in the Bay Areas day...Happy B-day Debber! I wish I could've hung out with you. ( We'd drink Champagne, and eat Sushi till we're bloated for days! Just like old times.) Today, the 15th brings us Tax Day and my husbands B-day, it's also the day Lincoln died, the Titanic actually finished sinking, and the Hindenburg exploded...Whats that telling us?(Always keep receipts, don't go to the theater, and for goodness sake, stay off of Cruise Ships and Big Ol' Blimps!) My gorgeous niece, the RN, was born on the 22nd (She is responsible for getting me hooked on IDOL, thanks alot Heidi...Go Crystal and Lee!) My wonderful Brother, Kerry's Birthday is the 25th (if I was with him, I'd be playing Pinnacle or laying by the pool over looking the ocean in Kauai, WHAT AM I DOING HERE?)The 25th also happens to be my father-in-laws, Happy B-day Fred. Last but not least my lovely Sister-in-law Tammy finishes the list on the 28th. (If we were together we'd be in a Casino somewhere, Drinking 'Heavily' OH YEAH 'Heavily', PARTY ON!) You know... April would be a great month to vacation and visit everyone (hummm...).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE! May all of your wishes come true. I hope you have a very prosperous and healthy year. HAVE LOADS OF FUN... FIND YOUR BLISS... ENJOY LIFE!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE! May all of your wishes come true. I hope you have a very prosperous and healthy year. HAVE LOADS OF FUN... FIND YOUR BLISS... ENJOY LIFE!
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