OK, soooo yesterday was our second Saturday Market. The hours are a short 9:00am-12:30pm, a concise 3 1/2 hours. Now the weather was a little 'iffie', but stable enough that we got completely set up and ready to sell our wares. The Market opened sharply at 9:00 am, then about 9:30 it started to spit a few drops so we prepared a tarp to cove
r the displays, you know, 'just in case'. By 10:30 am it was POURING. The wind was blowing a moderate 20mph, nothing we hadn't managed through before, a little rain, a little wind, besides my Mom always told me "you'll be fine...you're not made out of SUGAR!" About half of the vendors pulled out, 'Sissies'. the rest of us stayed, slowly coming out from under our tents. We meticulously rolled our sides up and chuckled to ourselves, "We beat it!" The sun came out, the wind slowed down...Now we get down to the business of selling our handmade wares. 11:00am came and a few customers were strolling down the isles, umbrellas at the ready. A pair of earrings go out, then I box a small necklace for someones grandmother, we're on a roll of two...11:20am POW! The side of the canopy moves about 12" Oh Noooo, the wind, I stay calm, I mean, my gosh we have 80lb. weights on each of the legs of our tent. I HATE WIND, come on, stay nice for a frickin hour, that's all I'm asking. My husband tells me he's got to run to the restroom, I mistakenly think, that's cool I've got it under control "Hurry back" I say, with kind of a hysterical laugh. As soon as he was out of sight, WHAM! The tent moves another 12", with such force our earring display falls over. I grab the crossbars of tent, so me, the tent, and 340lbs of weight, lift off the ground, YES AIRBORNE! I call to the market Master (of course, the tiniest lady around) HHEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!! Anne and 4 men who we're walking by, grabbed the legs of the canopy. My husband came back just in time to chase earrings, (they're display cards acting like little tiny airplane propellers) oh and by the way, need I say, his mood had changed dramatically. This time the wind did NOT stop. We had to get the canopy down, the wind just kept blowing constant with the big gusts probably hitting close to 50mph. We started u
nstrapping weights and peeling off sides, everyone was hanging on for dear lives. All the jewelry displays toppled over twisting all the necklaces into 'knotted chain puzzles' for solving at a less crazy time later that night (now that's a family 'fun' project). Our booth set up usually takes us 2 hours to complete, this take down took us 25 HELLISH minutes, so I'm guessing you can figure out how things got packed. When we got home my husband packed the jewelry up stairs, set the boxes down, stripped, walked into the bathroom and crawled into a hot bath, got out and without a word went to bed. I made a pot of HOT coffee, took an 800mg Ibuprofen put on my Pj's and crawled into the Lazyboy with the wiener dog and a fleece blanket. Neither one of us had coffee and we didn't wake up until 5:00pm. It's HELL getting pounded on by the weather! It's the one thing you can't control. Maybe just maybe, we got the worst weather out of the way early in the show season, yeah, that's what I'm gonna think. May your partner be blessed with a bladder the size of Boise and may the Weather Gods always be kind to you.

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