Friendships aren't supposed to be hard work. They shouldn't stress you out. It should be easy and secure. It should warm your heart, not make it ache. A friend should never judge you. A friend should always have your back. A friend should be able to tell you the truth (like, yes your ass looks big in those jeans) and because they told you, you should not be hurt, you should just take the jeans off and wear something else. (Otherwise you should laugh and be OK with a big looking ass.) I am blessed with friends just like that, and I thank the Universe for them. The other day I was thinking about my life and my many friendships along the way. I was getting a little melancholy over some lost friendships. I realized that some of the people I thought were my best friends, were really just people passing through my life. A true friend doesn't ever knock you down just so they themselves can feel superior. When you "shine" they're not agitated and jealous. Your own growth and self-esteem doesn't threaten them. I have been given a wonderful gift, My friends in the "present" helped me be excited about renewing old friendships, and thrilled about the prospect of new friendships in my future. May HEART FELT FRIENDSHIP shine on you.
:) I love you too!