Gifts from the Universe, We are sent Gifts everyday, whether we see (receive) them is up to us. They could be as simple as a bright sunny day during a Parade, or as complicated as a family emergency changing travel arrangements and that delay keeps you from being in an accident. We notice the 'BIG' things, but we need to be grateful and pay attention to the 'small' Gifts. When we first started doing out of town Arts and Craft Shows, it was a big expense and always a gamble. If we didn't make enough money it would be a burden that would be hard to bounce back from. We signed up for a show in Great Falls, about 5 hours travel one way, and it happened...The Big Bomb and not Bomb like Randy says on Idol "That was the Bomb Dog", but Bomb the Big ol' Failure. We sat there for 2 days 'not' selling, Yikes! We were upset, worried and bored. All the while we pouted and griped to each other, but we also were talking to a gal from Guatemala who was traveling through the U.S.A. She supported her travels by wire wrapping jewelry and selling at these little shows. We became fast friends and she happily showed us a couple wonderful techniques she was doing. That horrible show really wasn't so horrible. The Universe Gifted us with a new friend and a wire wrapping technique that we have used for the last 15 years. What a GREAT Show! May you always NOTICE your Gifts big or small.
I so love reading your blog..........I always feel happier!!!!!!!