Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to my first blog. I'm excited but very nervous. I'm still trying to figure out how to use my computer. Usually, I'm not defeated by machines, I'm the one in the house that hooks up the VHS, the DVD, the stereo etc...This computer thing though, it seems to be alive,"It's Alive!" I have discussions with it,pull my hair out over it, laugh at it, cry and scream at it, but every now and then I get to feel proud when I learn something new on it. I do however have a wonderful support system. My girlfriend Betty has taught me all my basic computer skills, (Oh how the angels sang the day I "got" cut and paste) she also helped me set up my Etsy shop then she painstakingly took all the gorgeous photographs of our line. She was beyond kind when she maintained our shop while we were living like gypsies, going from state to state, and show to show selling our handcrafted jewelry. (More on that in future blogs) My girlfriend Cathi, has helped me hone my basic skills with challenges like, quicker shortcuts, cool backgrounds, and just reading miles of instructions to me, so I could finally comprehend what I was reading. "She has the patience of Job." I'm sounding more and more like my mom everyday. (That's a good thing and a future blog) I am blessed beyond blessation. ( In my bubble world, blessation is a real word) I wasted a lot of time thinking I couldn't do things because I didn't know how, when all I had to do was ask my girlfriends to help me. "My Girlfriends" Wow that sounds awesome to me. A few years ago Cathi told me she didn't know what she would do without the women in her life. She said "A girl needs girlfriends." At the time I didn't really know what she meant. I do now.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you did it! I'm so proud of you. You are now an official blogger. Now let's find you some followers :)
