I changed the greeting in my Etsy Shop site today. You'll be able to tell who's on a diet around here. I spent all day typing in every descriptive word I could come up with about Chocolate. How, you know, it's Heaven sent and all the angels sang in harmony the day it was invented etc...I compared it to a Chocolate Decadence Cake, the kind that's not fluffed up with with all that intrusive flour, but gets down to business with cocoa, sugar and butter. So rich you should only have a sliver, but instead you opt for the gargantuan piece that makes you moan for hours. OK enough about CHOCOLATE, but seriously isn't it the greatest? The day I found out it could help your mood swings was the day I started have immense mood swings. What ever it takes Chocolate is the be all end all...milk, dark, extra dark and OK even white chocolate has its place. So I say to you, There are worse habits! Live your Bliss.
Life is sweeter with chocolate...and you! Now I need to go and grab me a Godiva! Thanks a lot.