Happy 4th everyone! I'm in a much better state of mind today, a 4th of July state of mind. Right now I'm watching a John Wayne Movie Marathon, (I'm in the middle of CHISUM, JOHN CHISUM) I've already seen McClintock! and North to Alaska, and Cahill U.S. Marshall is coming up next. Now I'm thinking a 6-pack of beer, some friends, a BBQ, Fireworks (illegal, or just sparklers and those stinky black snakes), and I've done all I can do, to contribute to a perfect Celebration. My Dad would be proud. I miss him, especially on patriotic holidays. He was a proud American, an ex-Marine who teared up every time the "National Anthem" or "Amazing Grace" was played. He taught us that it was a Privilege and a Right we had as Americans, to do and be whatever we wanted as long as it didn't hurt someone else, to think and say the things we felt in our hearts, but before we bitched we should know both sides of an argument, and we should respect peoples differences. He was also the one who taught me that "Yeah, LIFE IS NOT FAIR!" Then he'd end that sentence with,"Tough S--t get over it!"(Just wanted to let you know it was not all sticky sweet all the time.) But then he was the first one to apologize when he was wrong, applaud you when you were right, hug you with love, or simply smile at you, and confirm a job well done. He and my Mom raised 3 independent individuals with loud voices and good values. They did a fabulous job. So now on this Celebratory day, we know that, Mom, Dad, The Duke, Beer, Friends, BBQ's, and Fireworks, is all takes to fill my "Americana" needs and make me feel happy and proud. May your 4th be WONDERFUL, may you "Oooo and Ahhh" at the Fireworks tonight, and may we NOT have to get back to 'reality' until tomorrow:)